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Effective learning and keeping up with school syllabus have become great challenges for students nowadays. The flexibility of online learning has become a great demand due to the advantage of self-learning at home. This is where we come in to help students in need.

Our online learning courses are pre-recorded video lessons. Let's find out the benefits of the pre-recorded video lessons! 

Embrace the Power of Modern Flexi Learning


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Discover what students said about our courses

  • I can answer essay questions!

    "When I read the question, I know where is the chapter that the question ask for. Besides, I learnt how to answer essay questions. Because I'm quite bad on answering essay questions before and I don't know how to start and write. After taking the course, I learnt the technique to answer essay questions. Now, I already can answer essay questions."

  • 100% recommend my friends to join the courses!

    "Since I'm a slow learner and it's tough for me to catch up with my school teacher. But with the help of Mr. Martin I can learn the materials easily and his explanation is excellent. I like how he explains the materials clear and precise with clear pronunciations. I would 100% recommend my friends to join his courses. Thank you, Mr. Martin and everyone!"

  • I understood every single thing...

    "Mr Martin's chemistry course are perfectly understandable... It is very easy to learn because he taught from basic to main topic... I really like the way he taught and I understood every single thing that he taught in every video on form 5 chemistry syllabus."

  • The method (visualisation) is very good for memorising...

    "I like Mr Khor's teaching method. I found that his method (visualisation) is very good for memorising. It helps me in understanding the concept of most of the topics."

  • Study at my own pace...

    "It has allowed me to study at my own pace and understand the subject easily. Explanations are clear and easily understandable."

  • Interesting & easy way to pass knowledge!

    “They totally change the common tutor method (always follow textbook tightly), but use a more interesting and easy way to pass the knowledge.”

  • I have the feeling of active learning!

    “I am a student from countryside. There is no any chem tuition teacher in my area, if I want to go for tuition I need ride about 30minit to city for tuition. Now I can save the time and also the money. I really love the course and I will recommend it to others. Before I bought Sir Martin’s course, I joined an online chem tuition. But as I learnt from there, I felt very passive to study chem. But sir Martin course is very different, the description below the video made me very clear about what I will learn today. This made me having the feeling of active learning. I think this is the most different thing between Sir Martin's course and other tuition teachers. The course is very suitable for me!”

  • I really appreciate the high quality of all tutorial videos!

    "The explanation is too good and clear to understand. It really helps a lot, especially for weak students. I understand the topics thoroughly compared from what I've learnt in my school. To add on, the tutor explained everything in detailed and gave steps and strategies. Most importantly, I didn't confuse by any of his explanation and great ideas on those memorisation parts. I really appreciate the high quality of all these tutorial videos. To conclude, it makes me feel like Chemistry isn't that hard and I gained confidence in answering questions."

  • I need not to memorise those terms deadly!

    "I need not to memorise those terms deadly coz Mr Martin always make it easier to remember. For example the cathode and anode that. It used to be difficult for me but it's much easier now with the VAN method. Mr.Martin explain really well & much much more better than my previous tutor 🤣. And he also provides us some easier ways to memorise all the complicated concepts, for instance the solubility of salt. So lucky that I found Mr. Martin to help me in this subject. He makes me love chemistry more. Hope that I can get a good result in SPM to repay him hahaha..."